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How to sponsor on the CuratedLA platform
We are offering early-bird sponsorship pricing at $199.74 per sponsorship until Valentine's Day. A sponsorship is prominently placed on both our newsletter and website. A sponsorship example can be seen here with our sponsor, '1Password.'
Sponsorship form:Here is our intake form if you are familiar with sponsoring a newsletter or platform and do not need to read anything further:
We are nonprofit:CuratedLA is recognized as a nonprofit, listed as a public charity under IRS code. No, we are not tax experts, nor should you want us to be, but CuratedLA sponsorships are tax-exempt. All IRS tax documentations and invoicing statements are provided.
A brief overview of what your CuratedLA sponsorship includes:
In particular for our early-bird special, your brand as the only sponsor on that given day's newsletter, website version of the newsletter, and the community story for that given weekday. Three amazing opportunities to increase your online presence.
Updated and transparent newsletter analytics. We do not play around and manipulate: our technology provides brands with transparent reports.
You will have access to everything analytical, with the exception of user information: this would be illegal and not doing the right thing.
As of January 21st 2023, our open rate is 62.1% with a click-thru rate of 12.3%.
Sponsorship keywords and content have a strong SEO foundation: our technology is same technology behind the popular newsletter, Morning Brew.
In addition to our SEO foundation, our newsletter content and stories feed onto numerous news aggregations, including both Apple and Google News.
This SEO aggregation captures keywords and content from your brand's sponsorship.
Information, if you are like us a nerd it up with research before a buy.CuratedLA is a hyper-local newsletter, it has a particular niche. Naturally, newsletters within a particular niche notice quick growth within their first two months.
But we also have an additional component: featuring members within our community weekly. These neighbors could be individuals on skid row, the 'average' individual, to those 'A-list' type public profiles.
In our six years of community-newsletter experience, we found that 80-ish% of storytellers shared their featured stories within our newsletters and platforms on their own social media and digital platforms.
Furthermore, 30-45% shared their featured story to two or more individuals within their inner circles.
$1999.74 / ten sponsorships $599.74 / three sponsorships $199.74 / one sponsorship

We always put great thought into how your brand is being represented, just like it is our own. By this, we would never have a real-estate agent sponsor a newsletter, and then allow a competing real-estate agent to share their story.
Additionally, we do not try to lure brands in by sharing advanced information, or picking a favorite brand, in hopes that a brand will have an advantage based on the community story [individual] that they are sponsoring.
Again, CuratedLA is a nonprofit and we would truly appreciate your support.
Life in LA can be hard!