Curating Los Angeles with:

Laura Jacoves

👋 LAURA JACOVES  is NOT a comedian (currently), a writer, and showrunner from Los Angeles. ‘Who the hell are you?’ - LAURA JACOVES

Laura Jacoves, provided

I am a Capricorn - Virgo Rising, Pisces Moon, Capricorn Sun.

I come from a Jewish middle class family in LA.

Three of my four grandparents were born in Los Angeles so we’ve been here a minute.

I was a pretentious kid who thought of herself as an artist hanging around a bunch of musicians.

I was not a musician but I still wanted people to pay attention to me.

I got the idea that I was funny by being the loudest and most obnoxious of my friends. They were funnier than me but again, they found artistic satisfaction through music so I had to settle for just the funny part. We would put on shows and they would jam out and sing beautiful ballads and I would find some excuse to strip my clothes off and scream and call it comedy.

I am also not a comedian currently and The Simpsons Bailout: Rebooting an American Family is not a comedy show.

I mean, I got attached to The Simpsons very early on. It was pretty ubiquitous, it was on like six times a day and felt like air or running water. It’s appealing to kids because there’s a focus on what they’re going through - being a kid and going to elementary school and all that but it’s clearly telling you things that are a bit beyond you.

It’s your first look at this cynical take on religion and government and consumerism and everything all, so you get to feel like the kid who really gets it so that’s very appealing.

I started wearing graphic T’s with them around 4th grade and would fall asleep listening to the soundtrack and things like that.

It is still very much a comfort show although less so now that I’ve spent the last couple months studying it. I look forward to it becoming a comfort show again.

I like to be outside amongst friends as much as I possibly can.

I need a hobby.

Crocheting or something like that. Would be good to give my hands a little project.

I also spend a lot of time dating, is that a hobby? 

I am currently reading The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain. I read Mildred Pierce sometime in 2020 and have been meaning to read more by him. There’s nothing like those mid-century crime writers, Cain especially. The simplest punchiest prose you’ve ever read. He knows how to hook you and keep you hooked.

Last night I went to the Academy Museum’s 35mm screening of Ozu’s Late Autumn, which is about a trio of bored older businessmen who are lightly excited by their departed colleague’s widow and daughter so they make it their business to marry them off ignoring their insistence that they are content living with each other. Ozu is so good at showing the mundane forces of dehumanization that comes with the strange mixture of traditional values and a modern capitalistic society. An Autumn Afternoon, his final film made a couple years later, is one of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen.

FIDLAR (Fuck It Dog, Life’s a Risk). This is also the name of a band.

I work for a thrift store and I not only hang and run clothes but train people to hang and run clothes.

I also have an OnlyFans.

I am staying with my parents as I visit here and have been hanging out with them in the mornings. They are good people.

This morning there were bagels available for me when I woke up.

I love them.

El Chato Taco Truck on Olympic and La Brea.

A lot of nights in my teenage years ended with my friends and I eating their delicious food on the hood of our cars.

Not to give too much away, but the Simpsons show is essentially about growing up in LA.

It is a distinctly odd experience to grow up in an industry town especially when your brain is as pop culture poisoned as mine is.

It warps your brain in a particular way to see your city not only so well represented in the media you consume, but you start to understand that your friend’s parents are the ones making what you love and that your peers will one day be in charge of the art form you love.

You understand these objects as malleable things that you might be able to shape one day.

Dreams of “making it” in the entertainment industry do not seem like this unattainable goal as it might if you grew up elsewhere.

A transsexual runaway.

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